My Priorities
How we work together is as important as the local issues and public services we work on. My work style is pragmatic, inclusive, creative, and diligent.
My priorities at a glance
Housing & Coastal Resilience
We need to make it easier for long-term residents, first-time homebuyers, seniors, and public servants like police officers, EMTs, firefighters and teachers to find affordable places to live and stay in our beautiful coastal home. As State Representative, I’ll secure funding to protect our homes, businesses, and open spaces from flooding, erosion, and sea level rise.
Education & Economic Development
I’ll secure funding to expand early education/pre-k, increase vocational education seats like Essex Tech, and ensure school curriculum guidelines include financial literacy, the arts, STEM, and social-emotional learning. Local good paying jobs are vital to our economy, so I’ll work to cut red tape, remove unnecessary regulations, and secure grants and technical assistance for small businesses.
Seniors & Veterans
I’ll lead on expanding property tax work-off programs to ensure seniors don’t lose their homes, invest in quality of life improvement like recreational activities, and stop any and all cuts to in-home personal care attendants. For those who’ve served our country, I’ll continue Jerry Parisella’s work to end veteran homelessness, fund transitional wrap-around services, and prioritize mental health.
Good Government & Public Safety
Transparency and accountability are vital to good government. You’ll always have my number and know where I stand. I’ll find innovative solutions to reduce traffic including expanding public transportation and making neighborhoods more walkable. I’ll focus on road and neighborhood safety, and prioritize funding for pothole repair, sidewalk improvement, and bridge upgrades.
We endorse Hannah for State Rep

Mary Grant
Former Essex 06 State Rep

Kevin Burke
Former Essex 06 State Rep, former Essex County District Attorney, and former MA Secretary of Public Safety & Security

Sierra Club

Eileen Duff
Register of Deeds for Southern Essex County and former 5th District Governor’s Councilor

Pat Grimes
Former Beverly City Councilor
and Charlie Grimes
Former Assistant Attorney for Essex County D.A. Office

Dr. Matt Ferreira
Associate Superintendent in New Hampshire and Beverly Resident
Let’s dig deeper on…
Affordable Housing
In November 2022, I introduced an Accessory Dwelling Unit Ordinance amendment to our Zoning Ordinances. This proposal was built entirely on the great work coordinated over the course of 2021-2022 by Beverly’s Planning Department, the Metropolitan Area Planning Council, and an advisory group of stakeholders across the city. Read more about their work here and take a look at the draft ordinance introduced in November:
Budget Transparency
In June 2022, the City Council deliberated on the FY23 budget. Take a look at the budget book provided by the Mayor’s Office and the summary I created to help translate the budget book into graphics and analysis that would help us as Councilors, and residents and businesses across the city, understand how our tax dollars are spent:
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging
I have prioritized recruiting – and supporting to be successful – a more representative mix of residents in leadership roles through City Boards and Commissions. We’ve filled a large number of vacancies and are working to better publicize and streamline the process for appointment people to these roles.
I’ve also been supporting efforts to make Beverly’s diversity more visible, and our practices more welcoming. For example, after a proposal to include a Land Acknowledgement in the formal agenda of all regular City Council meetings failed in February 2022, I worked with Councilor Brendan Sweeney, Council President Julie Flowers, and Thomas Green of the Massachusett Tribe to introduce and unanimously pass a resolution acknowledging the past, present, and future of indigenous people in our community.
Campaign Transparency
I believe in transparency. So here are links to my past campaign finance reports as well as links to see the reports submitted by all candidates.
You can view recent reports of campaign receipts and expenditures submitted to the MA Office of Campaign and Political Finance by all candidates here.
You can view recent reports of campaign receipts and expenditures submitted to Beverly’s City Clerk by all candidates here.
You can find my past campaign finance reports here:
Pre-election report 2021: cover sheet and all attachments
Massachusetts campaign finance rules require all contributions to include the donor’s full name and address, as well as occupation/employer for people who contribute over $200. There is a $1,000 annual contribution limit per donor for local campaigns.
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