New Beverly ordinances banning overnight deliveries to most businesses, providing free downtown parking to veterans and a contract extension for Police Chief John LeLacheur’s contract through 2027 were approved at Monday night’s Beverly City Council meeting. The approvals wrapped discussions and debates that spanned several recent meetings, while the public hearing on a proposal to […]
Beverly Patch: Beverly Accessory Dwelling Unit Support Strong At Public Hearing
“I am very excited that we have reached this stage in this form,” said City Councilor Hannah Bowen, who proposed the ordinance change in a letter to the City Council last year and spoke with Patch about her support of ADUs ahead of a public hearing on the ordinance in April. “I think it’s strong and I […]
Salem News: Two more candidates enter races in Beverly
Two new candidates have taken out papers to run for office in Beverly. James Modugno has signed on to run for city councilor at-large while Geraldine Cahill is planning to run for School Committee in Ward 3. So far, 20 residents have taken out nomination papers for this year’s city election, which includes mayor, City […]
Salem News: City tweaks parking rules on busy waterfront
The city has changed parking rules on the increasingly crowded waterfront, including stiffer fines, expanding the times when people have to pay, and prohibiting overnight parking in some lots. The changes come as more people are expected to visit the waterfront this summer with the recent opening of the new Mission Boathouse restaurant. The new […]
Salem News: City set to tackle issues of race, equity
A year after a racial equity audit showed stark disparities in income and opportunities for people of color in Beverly, city officials say they are ready to act on the audit’s recommendations. The consultant who conducted the audit told the City Council Monday night that the company will work with the city to hold workshops […]
Column: Walking our talk in downtown Beverly (Salem News)
I’m writing to invite my neighbors in Beverly to seize a unique opportunity — and to recognize the risks we face if we do not. Recently, the City Council approved the “friendly taking” of property on Cabot Street by eminent domain at a cost of $8 million. I have heard this and recent zoning changes […]
Beverly Patch: Beverly to Hold Accessory Dwelling Unit Public Hearing
“Beverly City Councilor Hannah Bowen — an ADU proponent — told Patch on Tuesday that Beverly is an ideal city for expanded ADUs to be one more way to increase housing opportunities without imposing new development. “When you look at our housing plans, our master plan, all the community meetings that went into those,” Bowen […]
Beverly Patch: Beverly Zoning Changes Sweep Through City Council
“While most Councilors said the restrictions — in conjunction with new proposed citywide design standards — will help curb overdevelopment and preserve the unique character of downtown, Councilor Hannah Bowen, who opposed both the height restrictions, said that they would not accomplish the stated goals while they could limit affordable housing opportunities and send a […]
Salem News: Council criticizes Varian’s new cleanup plan
City councilors are criticizing Varian’s latest plan to clean up its contaminated site, saying it appears that the company has chosen some methods “primarily to save the responsible parties money.” In comments that they unanimously approved this week, councilors referred to some of Varian’s proposed solutions as “business as usual” and said they were “alarmed” […]
Beverly Patch: Beverly Police Patrols Helping Ease Closed Bridge Traffic Troubles
While Cahill said during a neighborhood traffic meeting last month that there was nothing the city could really do to prevent drivers from cutting through the neighborhoods, City Councilor At-Large Hannah Bowen this week suggested programs that might “take single-occupancy car trips in Ryal Side and downtown off the roads.” “Whether that’s bike share, whether that’s shuttle […]